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Akbar Zahediyan Nezhad; Mashallah Valikhani; Alireza Shirvani Jouzdani
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to design a model for evaluating digital innovation and transformation in startup business models.Method: The methodology of this reseatch is descriptive-exploratory and employs a qualitative approach. The thematic analysis was employed to study digital innovation ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to design a model for evaluating digital innovation and transformation in startup business models.Method: The methodology of this reseatch is descriptive-exploratory and employs a qualitative approach. The thematic analysis was employed to study digital innovation and transformation in startup business models. The participants in this research were academic and industrial experts with a background in research and executive work in lean startups. Initially, a purposive sampling method was used to select the samples, and this was later extended using the snowball method. Ultimately, the researcher conducted 14 expert interviews to collect data. The data obtained from the interviews were reviewed and analyzed using coding based on theme analysis. Initially, codes were extracted from the text of the interviews. These codes were aggregated into more general codes, which were further studied and integrated into components. From these components, relevant dimensions were proposed, leading to the presentation of a model based on these dimensions and extracted components.Findings: The results indicate that the digital Innovation and transformation evaluation model for startup business models includes six main dimensions and 19 sub-themes. The proposed model consists of the following dimensions: "monitoring and analysis of market needs" with three components, "evaluation of product development costs" with three components, "digital innovation and transformation in the business model" with four components, "coordination and integration inside and outside the organization" with two components, "evaluation of learning ability and absorption of organizational knowledge" with three components, and "organizational resources and capacities" with four components.Conclusion: Based on the research findings, it is suggested that managers in the technology field understand the importance of lean startups. The indicators in the proposed model may be considered to help prepare and empower startups to improve their products and services. Each proposed dimension can be seen as a management skill necessary for the success of lean startups. Managers may create the appropriate conditions to integrate all of company capabilities.
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Mila Malekolkalami; Mohammad Hassanzadeh; Atefeh Sharif; Mansour Rezghi
Purpose: Considering the development of technology and the use of artificial intelligence in the process of knowledge management in the service sector as well as intelligent knowledge extraction, this study aims to model an intelligent knowledge extraction map to make value in organizations.
Method: ...
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Purpose: Considering the development of technology and the use of artificial intelligence in the process of knowledge management in the service sector as well as intelligent knowledge extraction, this study aims to model an intelligent knowledge extraction map to make value in organizations.
Method: This research is applied and survey. Ten influential components in knowledge extraction were identified through library study. The study sample was selected using the judgmental sampling method of five person. Using the Delphi technique, screening and evaluation of the identified components have been done. The interpretive structural model method was used to model the knowledge extraction map. The software used is EXCEL and MATLAB.
Findings: The findings show that Intelligent measurement and organization of knowledge is in the second level. Five phases have been obtained for the initial steps of the Knowledge Extraction Model in service organizations. Intelligent measurement and organization of knowledge in the first phase, identifying external factors, identifying internal factors, and Identifying necessary actions in the second phase, Organization of knowledge processes, Organizing the necessary infrastructure in the third phase, Targeting knowledge and Smart knowledge strategy in the fourth phase, and finally Monitoring and updating knowledge, and Evaluating intelligent knowledge extraction in the fifth phase are main steps in the knowledge extraction model.
Conclusion: To achieve success in the service sector, knowledge extraction is required to make managers able to decide better. To begin intelligent knowledge extraction, we need to follow five essential and initial steps to prepare the organization for this process.
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Mohammad Sadeq Mohammadi; Behrooz Ghasemi; Soheil Sarmadsaeedi
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to develop a model of export market orientation based on competitive intelligence in the era of the digital economy.
Method: This study employed a qualitative approach, utilizing grounded theory as the research method. Sampling was conducted purposefully and ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to develop a model of export market orientation based on competitive intelligence in the era of the digital economy.
Method: This study employed a qualitative approach, utilizing grounded theory as the research method. Sampling was conducted purposefully and continued until theoretical saturation was achieved, involving a total of 15 managers and experts from selected exporting companies. The systematic research process comprised open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, facilitated by strategies such as analysis, questioning, comparison, reminders, schemas, and paradigms. During the coding process, revisions were made, and classifications were validated through feedback from the participants.
Findings: The findings revealed the paradigmatic pattern of export market orientation based on competitive intelligence in the era of digital economy including six main categories of causal conditions, context, phenomenon or central category, intervening conditions, strategies and the consequences. Causal conditions have three sub-categories of learning abilities promotion of customer-oriented culture, knowledge of export technology and R&D processes and identification of export market needs; background conditions include three sub-categories of competitive thinking, competitive export processes (technical evaluation) and competitive governance; intervening conditions include three sub-categories of market technical structure (new technologies), environmental uncertainty and global markets (export risks); the central phenomenon has three sub-categories of value chain (reward strategy), human resource empowerment and employee training (export intelligence); The strategies include three sub-categories of competitive value creation, development of export competitiveness and strategic evaluation of resources and competitive agility and strategic entrepreneurship; The results include three sub-categories of developing entrepreneurial activities, competitive advantage and promoting innovation and dynamic export capabilities.
Conclusion: Based on the results, successful implementation of the export market orientation model, grounded in competitive intelligence, requires managers of exporting companies to develop a deeper understanding of the export market. This can be achieved by allocating greater effort to market-oriented activities. Furthermore, by emphasizing competitive intelligence, these companies can improve the perception of their services and create a positive association with their brand in the minds of international customers.
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Adel Soleimani Nezhad; Fariborz Doroudi; Fatemeh Ghorbani
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the feasibility of using digital scientific resources and virtual education using augmented reality technology in the educational program of professors and doctoral students of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
Method: This research is descriptive-survey ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the feasibility of using digital scientific resources and virtual education using augmented reality technology in the educational program of professors and doctoral students of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
Method: This research is descriptive-survey but is applied in terms of type and purpose. The statistical population of this research is all professors who teach in the doctoral program and doctoral students in Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Sampling method in this research is stratified random sampling. The sample size was 333 using Cochran's formula. Data collection tool, researcher-made questionnaire and the validity of the questionnaire were calculated by experienced professors and experts. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were calculated using Cronbach's alpha test of 0.86. The collected data were first stored in the database and then by transferring this data to SPSS and EXCEL 23 software, the field of analysis of this data and their results was provided.
Findings: The findings showed the possibility of using virtual educational resources and digital scientific resources, as well as the possibility of using augmented reality technology in educational and scientific research programs at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. There is a significant difference between the views of professors and doctoral students in the use of virtual educational resources and digital scientific resources in the educational and research programs of professors and doctoral students, while there is no significant difference between their views on the use of augmented reality technology.
Conclusion: One of the most important reasons for the need to organize e-learning centers and institutions is the growing demand for education, especially higher education in the country, which has become a special social issue due to limited resources and educational capacity in the current education system. Ease of access and use of digital scientific resources and better understanding and mental creativity with the use of new technologies, including augmented reality, has necessitated the use and application of this technology in the educational programs of scientific and academic centers. Have a long-term and codified plan with instructions and rules related to augmented reality technology. Provide adequate funding, create hardware and software infrastructure, motivate, desire, sufficient expertise and empower the ability of faculty and students to use augmented reality technology.
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Roholah Hosseini; Taher Fatahi
Purpose: The customers’ behavior is influenced by their mental image of the Banks. Information resources are one of the factors that shape this mental image. Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is considered a powerful advertising tool and an important and influential resource of information on the ...
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Purpose: The customers’ behavior is influenced by their mental image of the Banks. Information resources are one of the factors that shape this mental image. Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is considered a powerful advertising tool and an important and influential resource of information on the attitudes and behavior of customers. The aim of the present research is to investigate the position of eWOM among the advertising strategies that shape the mental image of customers at Bank Day branches in the western part of the country.
Method: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and analytical in terms of nature. It is also a field survey in terms of data collection. The background of the research was compiled through library resources and web browsing. Then, 8 options and 9 criteria were identified, and a decision matrix questionnaire was designed. Therefore, the researcher’s decision matrix was used to collect data, and its content validity was confirmed by professors. The statistical population of this research consisted of all experts working at Bank Day Gharb branches in the country. In this study, 23 experts were selected using purposive and snowball sampling.
Findings: Data analysis was performed using Taxonomy software. The results showed that the eWOM advertising strategy ranked third among the advertising strategies, following television advertising and internet advertising, in shaping the customer's mental image.
Conclusion: Based on the research findings, the electronic recommendation advertising strategy is considered an important advertising strategy in shaping the mental image of Bank Day customers. There is a need for skilled managers to design appropriate websites and social networks and provide the necessary preparations for its development.
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Ahmad Sami; Masoud Ahmadi; Changiz Mohammadizadeh
Purpose: The current research was conducted with the aim of validating the structural model of open data governance in line with the health of the administrative system in e-government in government organizations.
Method: This research, with a practical purpose, was based on a descriptive survey implementation ...
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Purpose: The current research was conducted with the aim of validating the structural model of open data governance in line with the health of the administrative system in e-government in government organizations.
Method: This research, with a practical purpose, was based on a descriptive survey implementation method. The statistical population of the research included the managers of the country's tax affairs organization and several university professors, all of whom (18 person) were selected as a statistical sample. The data collection tool in this research was a researcher-made questionnaire, and confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and Smart PLS software were used for data analysis.
Findings: The results of the research show that the structural model of open data governance in the direction of administrative health in e-government at governmental organizations includes six components: platforms (with the dimensions of intra-organizational platforms and external platforms), strategies (with the dimensions of common strategies—internal and external—, intra-organizational strategies, and extra-organizational strategies), intervening conditions (with common dimensions—internal and external), causal category (with dimensions of internal-external organizational factors, individual and social factors), central category, and consequences (with common dimensions—internal and external).
Conclusion: Intra-organizational and extra-organizational platforms have a positive and significant effect on common strategies. The strategies of this research have a positive and significant effect on the results. The impact of intervening conditions on the central category is positive and significant. The effect of the causal category of this research, including individual factors and social factors, on the central category, is negative and significant because the regression coefficient has become negative. The impact of the central category on strategies has become negative, but this impact is not significant.
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Badralsadat Sahafi; Zahra Jamebozorg
Purpose: The primary objective of this research was to integrate ChatGPT, an advanced artificial intelligence language model, into distance science education. By addressing the specific challenges inherent in online learning environments, this study aims to investigate how technological advancements, ...
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Purpose: The primary objective of this research was to integrate ChatGPT, an advanced artificial intelligence language model, into distance science education. By addressing the specific challenges inherent in online learning environments, this study aims to investigate how technological advancements, such as ChatGPT, can effectively enhance the management and overall quality of distance education experiences.
Method: This qualitative, exploratory study aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential applications of ChatGPT in distance science education. This study identifies the various interactions that can occur in distance education and describes and evaluates the input and output instructions associated with each interaction. The chat bot used is https://chatbot.theb.ai and A biology tutoring platform uses ChatGPT to provide personalized support to students working on biology issues or concepts.
Findings: Based on the results, the artificial intelligence can play an important role in improving distance science education. Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of developing metacognitive skills among learners and encourages educators to seek professional development opportunities to enhance the quality and engagement of distance science education. This study emphasizes the need for careful planning, research, design, evaluation, management, and responsible application of AI technology in distance education.
Conclusion: This study was concluded that ChatGPT could be very useful for both learners and educators in distance education. This research showcases the innovative results facilitated by ChatGPT and provides valuable insights and practical guidance for educators, researchers, and policy makers on the effective use of AI technologies in distance science education.
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Zahra Gholamzadeh; Abbas Khamseh; Mohammadreza Parsanejad
Purpose: The purpose of the current research is to extract the components and dimensions of digital transformation and determine the levels and sequence of dimensions in Iran's education and upbringing, for the planning and implementation roadmap.Method: This research has a mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative). ...
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Purpose: The purpose of the current research is to extract the components and dimensions of digital transformation and determine the levels and sequence of dimensions in Iran's education and upbringing, for the planning and implementation roadmap.Method: This research has a mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative). The qualitative section was able to extract the components of digital transformation by searching for authentic Persian and English articles published in the last ten years. With the help of seven experts, the digital transformation components were classified into eight dimensions in the form of 109 identified sub-components using the ISM method. Dimension levels were determined by SSIM matrix calculations in the quantitative part. MICMAC software version 5.3.0 was used to calculate the impact of relationships.Findings: Based on the opinion of experts and the results of ISM calculations, the identified dimensions including: institutional, education, technology, infrastructural, social, cultural and economic were placed in four levels.Conclusion: According to experts, the institutional dimension, being placed at the fourth level, has the greatest impact on digital transformation in Iran's education. Therefore, it is one of the key dimensions to achieve digital educational transformation that is placed at the first level of the model. According to the results of ISM, the economic and cultural dimensions were placed at the third level. Also, in analyzing the impact of relationships between dimensions using MICMAC software, the results indicate that the institutional dimension has a significant impact on infrastructure development.
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Rahim Vejdan Taleshmekael; Morteza Hazrati; Badri Abbasi; Mousa Rezvani Chamanzamin; Mehran Nasirzad
Purpose: The main goal of this research is to design a model of human resource capabilities, with an emphasis on digital knowledge management, for Iran Oil Terminals Company.
Method: This research is descriptive-survey in terms of research design, cross-sectional in terms of time, and applied in terms ...
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Purpose: The main goal of this research is to design a model of human resource capabilities, with an emphasis on digital knowledge management, for Iran Oil Terminals Company.
Method: This research is descriptive-survey in terms of research design, cross-sectional in terms of time, and applied in terms of purpose. It is categorized as exploratory research. The statistical sample consisted of 20 professors and senior managers from the Ministry of Oil in the qualitative section and 100 managers and experts from Iran Oil Terminals Company in the quantitative section. Data collection in the qualitative part was conducted through interviews and data analysis techniques, while the quantitative section utilized questionnaires and structural equation modeling techniques.
Findings: The findings were categorized into 114 codes and 26 concepts, which were further grouped into three categories: human-behavioral capabilities, specialized-technical capabilities, and analytical capabilities. The research confirmed that the role of human resource capabilities in the growth and development of organizations is undeniable. It emphasized that human resources management must leverage this intra-organizational capital to foster organizational advancement and excellence. A lack of qualified human resources can be a significant reason for an organization's stagnation.
Conclusion: The analysis revealed that human resource capabilities, with an emphasis on digital knowledge management, encompass behavioral, specialized-technical, and analytical capabilities. Ultimately, a suitable model for human resource capabilities, emphasizing digital knowledge management, was proposed for Iran Oil Terminals Company. Human resource capability is valuable, rare, irreplaceable, and difficult to imitate; thus, it is essential for creating sustainable competitive advantages. Proper utilization of human resource capabilities can enhance organizational performance. This study took a process-oriented approach to propose an integrated model that comprehensively considers key variables such as human resource capability and knowledge management effectiveness.
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Seyed Mehdi Vahabi; Azam Rahiminik; Seyed Abbas Heydari
Purpose: The aim of the research was to identify the antecedents and consequences of digital content marketing in online insurance companies.Method: The present study has been conducted by adopting a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) and in an exploratory manner. In the qualitative part, ...
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Purpose: The aim of the research was to identify the antecedents and consequences of digital content marketing in online insurance companies.Method: The present study has been conducted by adopting a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) and in an exploratory manner. In the qualitative part, thematic analysis technique has been used in the MAXQDA2020 software. The community of the qualitative department was the managers and experts of the sales and marketing department of the insurance industry (electronic and digitalized department). Based on targeted sampling, 10 people were considered as samples. Qualitative data was collected using semi-structured interviews. For the validity of the findings, Cohen's kappa index was 0.837, which is confirmed. Structural equation method is used in a small part. In the quantitative part of the research, the statistical population consisted of experts and managers of marketing units and assistants in the country's insurance industry in Tehran. Using Cochran's formula (for unlimited population), a sample of 384 people was extracted. Based on the codes of the qualitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire was formed. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed in AMOS 24 software.Findings: The results show that the antecedents of digital content marketing include the fundamental requirements of digital content marketing, requirements before the production of digital content, managerial/organizational requirements, and perceptual-cognitive antecedents of the audience and identified consequences including marketing consequences, financial consequences, and brand-related consequences, the favorable consequences for the customer and the engagement of the audience with the content in the digital content marketing model.Conclusion: This study has designed and explained the digital content marketing model. In recent years, electronic businesses have been growing rapidly and have gradually taken a relatively favorable share of the industrial enterprises of the country and play an undeniable role in the growth of the country's economy. One of the important parts of digital marketing is the production and creation of valuable content. Another expression, the combination of content and technology refers to the production of digital content. Content marketing is actually a method in which the organization continuously creates and publishes valuable content in order to attract and reach the audience, and its purpose is to transform the customer's behavior into a profitable behavior for the organization.
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Elia Borhanzadeh; Reza Vaezi; Habibollah Roodsaz; Ghodsi Bayat
Purpose: The present study aimed to improve the quality of delivering government services by identifying the main components of the personalization of the m-government in Iran.Method: Qualitative approach and exploratory research is applied. Data is gathered by targeted sampling and semi-structured interviews. ...
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Purpose: The present study aimed to improve the quality of delivering government services by identifying the main components of the personalization of the m-government in Iran.Method: Qualitative approach and exploratory research is applied. Data is gathered by targeted sampling and semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis technique was used to analyze the interviews.Findings: The research findings indicate that the personalization of mobile government in Iran includes five main themes and 16 sub-themes including social factors (e-services, e-participation), e-factors (productivity, policy making), managerial factors (accountability, human capital, transparency), political factors (e-legislation, information technology infrastructure), cultural factors (e-support, e-learning).Conclusion: Experts emphasized on managerial factors like accountability and transparency of government activities. Also cultural factors are very important as digital literacy of society is very important in this regard. On the other hand regular review and update of current laws of ICT infrastructures and security policies should be considered as important by government. Also targeted filtering by personal information will make citizens more satisfied to receive updated information and related services based on their needs and preferences.
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Mahshid Shahmohamadi; Fereshte Lotfizadeh; Ahmad Rahchamani
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to provide a framework for innovative social media marketing strategies to address the impacts of health crises on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Method: This research is applied in nature, based on a survey-exploratory approach, and employs a qualitative ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to provide a framework for innovative social media marketing strategies to address the impacts of health crises on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Method: This research is applied in nature, based on a survey-exploratory approach, and employs a qualitative methodology. The statistical population consists of experts in urban management and human resources management. Using the theoretical sampling method, interviews were conducted with 15 experts until theoretical saturation was achieved. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis.
Findings: The research findings resulted in a comprehensive model comprising five main themes and eighteen sub-themes. These include: driving factors (online brand communities, social listening, customer participation marketing, prosumer (producer-consumer) influencer marketing, gamification), strategic factors (increasing engagement, product/service development, increasing brand awareness, creating word-of-mouth advertising, increasing brand credibility), facilitating factors (brand associations, strengthening brand identity), primary outcomes (correctly understanding consumer needs and opinions, creating value for consumers), secondary outcomes (market development and new customer acquisition, sales promotion, loyalty promotion).
Conclusion: The study provides a practical framework to enhance SME resilience through innovative social media strategies during health crises, emphasizing key driving, strategic, and facilitating factors along with their outcomes.