Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (Irandoc), Tehran, Iran

3 Msc student, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran



Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the feasibility of using digital scientific resources and virtual education using augmented reality technology in the educational program of professors and doctoral students of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
Method: This research is descriptive-survey but is applied in terms of type and purpose. The statistical population of this research is all professors who teach in the doctoral program and doctoral students in Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Sampling method in this research is stratified random sampling. The sample size was 333 using Cochran's formula. Data collection tool, researcher-made questionnaire and the validity of the questionnaire were calculated by experienced professors and experts. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were calculated using Cronbach's alpha test of 0.86. The collected data were first stored in the database and then by transferring this data to SPSS and EXCEL 23 software, the field of analysis of this data and their results was provided.
Findings: The findings showed the possibility of using virtual educational resources and digital scientific resources, as well as the possibility of using augmented reality technology in educational and scientific research programs at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. There is a significant difference between the views of professors and doctoral students in the use of virtual educational resources and digital scientific resources in the educational and research programs of professors and doctoral students, while there is no significant difference between their views on the use of augmented reality technology.
Conclusion: One of the most important reasons for the need to organize e-learning centers and institutions is the growing demand for education, especially higher education in the country, which has become a special social issue due to limited resources and educational capacity in the current education system. Ease of access and use of digital scientific resources and better understanding and mental creativity with the use of new technologies, including augmented reality, has necessitated the use and application of this technology in the educational programs of scientific and academic centers. Have a long-term and codified plan with instructions and rules related to augmented reality technology. Provide adequate funding, create hardware and software infrastructure, motivate, desire, sufficient expertise and empower the ability of faculty and students to use augmented reality technology.


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