Providing a Framework for Virtual Reality Functions in B2B Business Customer Journey with a Focus on Immersion Features

Zahra Nikoosefat; Pejman Jafary; Farid Ahmadi

Volume 4, Issue 6 , January 2023, , Pages 197-224

  Due to the dispersion of these functions in the literature and their anonymity, the purpose of this study is to identify the functions of virtual reality immersion feature in B2B business customer journey and provide a framework. The concept of these functions involves the three stages: before the purchase, ...  Read More

Virtual Reality and Its Implications on Digital Content Management

Mohammad Hassanzadeh

Volume 2, Issue 3 , March 2021, , Pages 11-23

  Virtual reality (VR) transcends the boundaries of the disciplines and lifestyles of different generations. The entanglement of digital content with the capabilities of artificial intelligence, graphic simulation, cultural coordinates, and economics has given rise to an amalgam of methods. The reality ...  Read More