Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran

2 MA Student, Department of Management, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran


Purpose: The growth of Smartphone applications has led to the development and transformation of business sector. The present work aimed to assess factors influencing the intention to use shopping applications.
Method: A structural model was formulated for analyzing and testing the existing factors among shopping application users. The statistical population of the research comprised of the users of shopping applications in a public university in Iran. This study employed a questionnaire survey, which consisted of two sections. The first section included general demographic details of the target respondents, while the second section comprised 30 items to measure the constructs of our conceptual model. All items of constructs were adopted from previous literature. A total of 288 questionnaires provided usable data.
Findings: The results revealed that factors such as Convenience, Perceived Ease of Use, Trust, and Perceived usefulness affect the intention to use shopping applications, while factors such as Perceived Innovativeness, Perceived Risk, Perceived Enjoyment, and Social Influence were found to be non-influential.
Conclusion: This research was conducted based on a comprehensive review of the research literature and identification of influential constructs with the approach of creating an integrated model of factors affecting the intention to use shopping applications. Based on the research results, focusing on ease of use and creating the experience of perceived usefulness along with the use of tools that lead to the improvement of trust is critical for practitioners.


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